Patty MacKenzie


Phone: (541) 517-6901

*Approximate wait time: 6 weeks, no new evening or saturday appts.

Passion for style:
I love giving people hair that they actually like and helping people that have never colored their hair before discover how fun it can be. It's been really cool to witness peoples lives through my 20+ years of doing their hair.

Inspired by:
It's been my goal since I was 4 years old. I used to say, "I want to be a beauty parlor when I grow up!"

Where you'll find me when I'm not at the studio:
Hopefully, somewhere with my golden retrievers.

Little known fact about me:
If you don't know, I'm not telling!

Favorite day of the week:
Sunday! No schedule!

Favorite quote:
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it." Mary Englebreit

10 years ago, I was really into:
Travel and adventure with my friend "Kellie Bellie"

The reason I chose this career (or it chose me):
I get to socialize all day!

Hair I'd love to cut if I could cut anyone's hair in the world, and why:
I already get to cut the hair I love. My clients are real and unpretentious and that's my ideal person to create a look with.