Shelley White



Phone: (541) 968-7283

Passion for style:
being able to be apart of creating something beautiful.

Inspired by:
My kids! Watching them grow with strength and integrity makes me want to be the best possible version of myself.

Style idol: 
Heidi Klum

Favorite day of the week: 
Every day has the possibility of being my favorite day.

Little known fact: 
I'm really fast at sit-ups

Reason for choosing this career: 
Going to work means I get an opportunity to help someone feel good about themselves. Sometimes it completely turns someone's day around.

Fav quote: 
"beauty begins when you start being yourself"

Where you'll find me when I'm not at the studio:
Trying to unwind by working out or watching Netflix. Or cooking and drinking wine.

Someone's hair I'd like to cut: 
Anyone who can make me laugh